Friday, August 26, 2011

The Royal Birthday of the King

The Royal Birthday of the king is usually called the Festival of Tang Tok. This Festival, which is one of the ceremonies of the twelve, month, is celebrated in order to give wishes to the King. The ceremony is performed inside the wall of the Royal Palace. Along the front wall of the Palace there are Tang Tok exhibits of all kinds. Each section is decorated with carious displays. Such as instruments of war, telecommunication of materials and old objects of art, which are arranged by different ministries? 

Trough the South entrance many people-including-bachelors and maidens-wearing their best clothes. Enter to see the Tang Tok festival. They walk about in group over the yard in front of the Throne Room waiting to watch the firework which wills soon explode in the air like shower of falling stars. On this occasion, the royal orchestra and the royal dancers perform in the dance pavilion to entertain the people. Outside the walls of the Palace, vendors sell various snacks, and there are games such as Kon and Ayay which are played continuously until the festival is over. Necks to see well Sorae people sat eating snacks such as fried short noodles and pregnant eggs at the eateries whereas the other stand listening to the music played by the bands advertising beers or cigarettes. Omnipresent vendors walked through the crowd, shouting about the things them bad to sell-fresh fruits and brined fruits such as grape fruits, ranges, guavas, jujubes, chunks of sugar cane and unimaginable variety of fruits. We walked further toward the open field in front of the Royal Palace where. I come across a large mass of people. Most of them were squatting and sitting with crossed legs on the mats or on the grass, chatting happily. In the next open field there was a large stage on stilts decorated with colored curtains, on which the Ayai and long-handled guitar song competition was held. 

The embankment of Mekong River on that day was probably the most beautiful past of Phnom Penh. It came alive towards the evening when the sun's beat abates. Street photographers took pictures of all who wishes to be photographed against the background of the Royal Palace at 6:30 P.M when the night fell, the darkness descends. Street lamps and the full moon lighted the whole area. Hundreds of light bulbs placed along the brick walls and on the roof of the temples of the Royal Palace sent out their bright light which made the Palace look like paradise.
At about seven o’clock the river was lit by lazy illuminated boats. Which float slowly and smoothly on the water‘s surface. Each of them was equipped with thousands of flashy noon lights arranged in different colorful fancy patterns representing state institution ministries and services. Silver ripple lip against the side of the boats. The moon was sailing the sky. The cool wind was so refreshing. This delighted nigh made me feel nostalgic for the past. After a little time fireworks where lit to entertain people. Some of them made loud noises. The burst into various shape and color in the sky. I stood there and watching people for a while and then came back to the place where I leave my motorbike. I go on my motorbike and rode to Independent monument whose beautiful public parks and fountains shape of small restaurant to have some light refreshment. And at 10 0’clock we return home at in a pleasant mood with high expectation of the next day’s sightseeing.

Going for walks during the water Festival Days really refreshed my mood. The livery festive atmosphere helped relieve my tension and trouble.

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