Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Pchum Ben is one of the most important festivals in Cambodia. It lasts 15 days from the first of Photerbot (Khmer month).
Spirits commemoration festival is held for spirits of the dead. Benn Dak Ben-the offering of the food to the monks that lasts for 15 days. The 15th day of the ceremony "the waning moon day" is called Bonn Pchum Ben, the collection of the Bens (offerings). During this festival. If departed souls do not find their families thanking offerings at any pagodas. It is believed that the souls will curse and bother the descendants throughout the year. 
Cambodian people believe that the ghosts and sinful spirits are afraid of the light. That is why, the festival is held during the waning month of Photerbot when evil spirits and sinful ghosts are set free by the king of Death to visit their relative alive. The king of the Death allows them to ascend to the earth to visit their relatives. At their arrival. The will Search seven pagodas for food that. Their relatives offer them through the monks. If they cannot find they will get angry with their descendants and will curse and bother them throughout the year. There are some kinds of insects that people have always thought that they are the sinful spirits who committed much sin in their former lives. Can only be seen during the Pchum Ben's day. The King yasomarman. (889-910). was the first person to celebrate this festival. He prepared the Ben Rece to worship the spirits of the heroes and heroines who had passed away in the war?  
The 15 days' festival in the month of Photerbot is called "Kan Ban" which in English means the participation in Pchum Ben. "Benin Pali means"a piece of rice"       

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