Ten representatives from Svay Rieng province’s Romeas Hek district lodged a complaint with local rights group Adhoc yesterday, claiming that illegal sand dredging was causing riverside erosion and loss of their land. The representatives from Ampil, Koki, and Kampong Trash and Doung communes also claimed that dredging on the Toekvil River was being ignored by district authorities. “I am asking Adhoc to solve the problem, because the Vietnamese dredging on the river is affecting my farmland,” said Koem Van, a 23-old farmer from Koki commune.”Already, a piece of my land, which was 50 meters by 15 meters, has collapsed,” Mr Van added.
“Sand dredging has been operating here since 2008, and land collapses have been happening from 2009 until now. When the villagers protest, the police threaten them and say they will be arrested,” he said. Provincial for Adhoc Prak Saran said that he would investigate the complaint. Koki commune chief Chuom Sam On confirmed that some riverbank collapses had occurred and said there were seven or eight families affected. “I have worked with the district chief to intervene regarding this case. Previously, there were a lot of Vietnamese companies dredging in the area,” he said. “Farmland and forests along the river have collapsed. I well approach the district chief again.” Svay Rieng provincial governor Chieng Am said that dredging had been an issue in the past, but it was no longer a problem in the area. “It is not an issue. We have banned them. This incident was illegally dredging. The province has started an investigation already,” Mr Am said.
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