Friday, December 2, 2011

Somali Pirates Abandon Ship, Hold Four S. Korean Hostages

SENGAPORE- Somali pirates released a chemical tanker owned by Singapore shipping company Glory Ship Management, but broke an agreement to release all the crew, keeping four South Korean seamen including the captain captive, the company said yesterday. The crew comprised 13 Indonesians, five Chinese nationals and three crew from Burma in addition to the South Koreans. The pirates have called for the release of five other Somali pirates captured in a South Korean naval operation earlier this year. “MT Gemini,” the 29,871-ton chemical tanker, was carrying crude palm oil from Indonesia when it was hijacked 215 days ago off the East African coast, the company said in a statement. “The pirates on Nov. 30 released 21 of the 25 crew on board but took four South Korean seamen, including the captain, ashore at the last moment despite earlier promises to release the entire all man crew,” Glory said. “We are relieved that 21 of the crew have been released and are in good health ...In the meantime, we are expending all efforts to secure the release of the four South Koreans still held as hostage.” 

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