Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Six Young Men Arrested for Brutal Rape, Murder

The 46-year-old owner of water bottling plant and her 20-year-old daughter were brutally murdered by six disgruntled employees in the early hours of yesterday morning in Siem Reap city, police said. Hay Ly Hour and her daughter Oeng Y Chhiv were attacked with wooden sticks and axes, then had their throats slit and were left to die, deputy city police chief Mok Som On said. Oeng Y Chhiv was raped before being killed. Another daughter, 15-year-old Oeng Y Lun, also had her throat slit but survived the attack. Police were alerted to the case after gravely injured Y Lun sent her aunt a text message asking for help. When the aunt called back, the girl could not speak because her throat had been cut. Y Lun is now being treated at the provincial referral hospital. "This case is related to robbery and revenge on her by killing and raping," Mr Khemarin said. Mr Khemarin said another suspect, 20-year-old Mak Hit, was a foster child of Hay Ly Hour and was believed to be the one who had raped Oeng Y Chhiv. Mr Khemarin could not recall the names of the other four suspects. He said all the men except for Tang, who is still being treated for his bullet wound, had been taken back to Siem Reap Province for questioning and detained by provincial police. Police plan to send the suspects to the provincial court to be charged this afternoon. 

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