Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Grenade Attack at Bar in Kenya’s Capital Wound 12

NAIROBI, Kenya- A grenade attack on a bar in the center of Nairobi in the early hours yesterday wounded 12 people, Kenya police said, an incident that come as Nairobi battles al-Qaida-linked militants in neighboring Somalia. Capital news radio quoted a witness who said a man had asked to be let in to the bar shortly after 3 am, when he hurled a grenade and fled the scene. No one has claimed responsibility for the incident. Footage showed blood and beer bottles splattered on the ground of Mwaura’s bar, which is frequented by blue-collar workers attracted by its cheap beer and spirits. Blood stained a sink and overturned seats and debris littered the floor. Police cordoned off the area as an officer examined damage on the walls from the force of the explosion. “The guys came out running covered in blood...and they were carried away by ambulances,” said Jacob Musembi, a vendor at the scene. “I’m very scared for my life because I don’t know who they’ll target next,” he said. 

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