Saturday, October 22, 2011


These four noble truths are fundamental teaching. The heart of the Buddha's teaching lies in the Four Noble Truths (Cattari Ariyasaccani) which He taught in his first sermon to his old companions, the five ascetics, at Isipatana-Deer Park (modern Sarnath) near Benares. In this sermon, as we have it in the original texts, these four truths are given briefly. They are

1.      Dukkha sacca – the Truth of Suffering
2.      samudaya sacca – the Truth of the Cause of Suffering
3.      Nirodha sacca – the Truth of the Cessation of Suffering
4.      Magga sacca – the Truth of the Path leading to the Cessation of Suffering
But there are innumerable places in the early Buddhist scriptures where they are explained again and again, which greater detail and indifferent ways.
1.1              The First Noble Truth: Dukkha sacca
            The Buddha's discovery of the solution to the problem of suffering began with the recognition that life is suffering. This is the first of the Four Noble Truths. If people examine their own experiences or look at the world around them, they will see that life is full of suffering or unhappiness. Suffering may be physical or mental. The sufferings are divided into three types namely:-

            The type of Physical suffering;
            Physical suffering takes many forms. People must have observed at one time or another, how their aged relatives suffer. Most of them suffer aches and pains in their joints and many find it hard to move above by themselves. With advancing age, the elderly find life difficult because they cannot see, hear or eat properly. The pain of disease, which strikes young and old alike, can be unbearable. The pain of death brings much suffering. Even the moment of birth gives pain, both to the mother and the child who is born. The truth is that the suffering of birth. Old age, sickness and death are unavoidable. Some fortunate people may now be enjoying happy and carefree lives, but it is only a matter of time before they too will experience suffering. What is worse, nobody else can share this suffering with the one that suffers. For example, a man may be very concerned that his mother is growing old. Yet he cannot take her place and suffer the pains of aging on her behalf. Also, if a boy falls very ill, his mother cannot experience the discomfort of his illness for him. Finally, neither mother nor son can help each other when the moment of death comes.

            The type of mental suffering;
            Besides physical suffering, there are also various forms of mental suffering. People feel sad, lonely or depressed when they lose someone they love through separation or death. They become irritated or uncomfortable when they are forced to be in the company of those whom they dislike or those who are unpleasant. People also suffer when they are unable to satisfy their needs and wants. Teenagers, for example, feel frustrated and angry if their parents refuse to let them go to a late-night party or spend large sums of money on expensive fashionable clothing or toys. Adults, on the other hand, may be unhappy if they are unable to gain wealth, power and fame. Other types of suffering:
            Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods or famine, con cause a lot of suffering to people. People also have to face hardship caused by war and social injustice. Problems can happen even in the classroom. When you try to study, and yet the room is too noisy or your friends try to disturb you, you may feel unhappy and angry. Sometimes, problems may happen to you personally. When you do not pass an exam, this would make you fell unhappy and disappointed. These problems are unwanted. People try their best to avoid them and to be free from them. The following is the example of one who suffers.
            Reading comprehension on Kisa Gotami's Grief
            Kisa Gotami was a young beautiful woman from a rich family who was married to a wealthy merchant. When her only son was about a year old, he suddenly fell ill and died. Overcome with grief, Kisa Gotami took the dead child in her arms and went from one house to another house for asking people if anyone knew a medicine that could restore her child's life. Of course no one was able to help her. Finally, she met a follower of the Buddha, who advised her to see the Buddha. When she carried the dead child to the Buddha and told Him her sad story, he listened with patience and compassion. He said to her by these words;
            "There is only one way to solve your problem. Go and get me five mustard seeds from any family in which there has never been a death." Kisa Gotami set off to look for such a household but without success. Every family she visited had experienced the death of one person or another. At last, she understood what the Buddha had wanted her to find out for herself – which death comes to all. Accepting the fact that death is inevitable, she no longer grieved. She took the child's body away and later returned to the Buddha to become one of his followers.

   "The Buddha taught us to recognize that suffering is a fact of life and that no one can avoid it, as stated in the first Noble Truth"

The Second Noble Truth: Samudaya sacca

The causes of suffering are three cravings; sensual craving, craving for existence, and craving non- existence based on greed and selfishness. The Buddha saw that the cases of suffering which are selfishness, craving and greed. People want all kinds of things and want to keep them forever. However, greed is endless, like a bottomless pit that can never be filled. The more you want, the more unhappy life is. Thus, our limitless wants and desires are the cause of our suffering. Many children who have had a taste for chocolate will keep asking for more. When they do not get it, they will feel upset and even angry. Although they know that eating too much chocolate may cause them to have a stomachache and a toothache, they still want more. The things we want most can cause us the most suffering. The following is the example to the cause of suffering.
Reading comprehension on the Monkey trap
            In China, monkeys are caught in a very special way. The trapper first takes a coconut. He then it is not clenched into a fist. He then places some peanuts in the coconut and puts it in a spot where monkeys usually visit. Before leaving the coconut behind, he would scatter some peanuts around the coconut. Sooner or later, a curious monkey would come along. It would first eat the peanuts on the ground. Then, it would find the coconut and see that it is full of peanuts. When it puts its hand into the hole to help itself to the peanuts. No matter how hard it struggles and pulls, it would not get free. It would cry out loud and become very anxious. Every monkey has to do is to let go of the peanuts to get free, but it would not want to do that. In this situation, the monkey is easily caught by the trapper.
            “We are like the monkey. We want to be free from suffering, but we are not willing to let go of our desires, which so often get us into trouble. This is the Second Noble Truth.”
The Third Noble Truth: Nirodha Sacca

            The Nirodha sacca means having no craving caused suffering. In which, there are three kinds of craving namely; sensual craving, craving for existence, and craving for non-existence. If all of them are removed, that is called Nirodha sacca.
            The end of suffering, craving must be removed. Just as a fire dies when no fuel is added, so unhappiness will end when the fuel of craving is removed. When craving is completely removed, there will be no more suffering. Our mind will be in a state of perfect peace. We shall always be happy. Buddhists call the state without suffering and having only peace with happiness called Nirvana. It is an everlasting state of great joy and peace. It is the greatest happiness in life. The following is the example of the cessation of suffering.
            Reading comprehension on A Happy Monk’s Exclamation
            There was once a man of wealth and high position who realized that suffering was the same for the rich and the poor. So he became a monk to treat meditation in order to develop his mind. Soon, that old monk hat 500 monk as follower. One of these monks always was in a good temper, unlike the other who usually looked serious. The monk was the only one who knew his source of happiness, and this happy monk was soon appointed chief assistant. A year later, while they were spending the rainy season in the royal garden according to the king’s invitation, the old monk was asked to stay at the residence in the place. The happy monk became the new leader of the group. One day, this happy monk went to pay respect to the old monk and visit at palace. All would stay in the residence on seeing him mumbling as “Here what happiness! Here what happiness!”
            The king, who happened to visit the old monk at that time, felt insulted when he was not greeted by this happy monk, who was not even aware of the king’s entrance. Seeing the king’s displeasure, the old monk said to him:”Have patience, my king and I will tell you the source of this monk’s happiness. Not many people know of it. He was once a king like you. But having given up his kingly life for that of a monk, he had found his present joy! Sitting alone in the forest, he had nothing to fear and no need for armed guards to surround him. Free from the worry over wealth and power, his wisdom now protects himself and other. He has found such inner peace in meditation that cannot help saying: “Here what happiness! Here what happiness!” The king finally understood what true happiness was. He honored the two monks before returning to his palace.
            “Unattached to wealth and power, happiness increases. This is the Third Noble Truth.”
The Fourth Noble Truth: Magga Sacca
            Magga sacca means the Path leading to the end of suffering or the way to the cessation of suffering called “Noble Eightfold Path or Middle Ways” (in Pali canon-Majjhimapatipta).
1.                           Right Understanding (Sammaditthi) means correct understanding in these topics; the Four Noble Truths, the Five Aggregates, the Three Characteristics, the Dependent Origination and the Action and means correct understanding of oneself and the world. If we understand things as they really are, we would be able to live a happier and more meaningful life.
2.                           Right Thought (Ssammasankappa) means correct thought these topics; the aim towards renunciation, the aim towards benevolence, the aim towards kindness, the aim towards non-violence and the aim towards universal love and to think in the right way. Those who harbour thoughts of greed and anger will easily get into trouble. But if we think correctly. We would end up doing the right things.
3.                           Right Speech (Sammavaca) means to avoid lying, tale telling, gossiping, backbiting, idle talk and harsh words. Harsh words can wound more deeply than weapons, while gentle words can change the heart of a hardened criminal. This shows the effect on others in the way we speak. The Buddha said,
“Pleasant speech is as sweet as honey; truthful speech is beautiful like a flower; and wrong speech is unwholesome like filth.”
            Therefore, we should speak words that are truthful, meaningful and with good will.
4.                           Right Action (Sammakammanta) means no harm or no destroying any life, no stealing and no sexual misconduct.
5.                           Right Livelihood (Samma-ajiva) means no living on work that would in any way bring harm to living beings. Buddhists are discouraged from engaging in the following five kinds of livelihood: trading people, weapons, animals for slaughter, intoxicating drinks and drugs. The Buddha said that,
“Do not earn your living by harming others. Do not seek happiness by making other unhappy.”
6.                           Right Effort (Sammavayama) means to do the best to become a better person. Examples of this are to work hard at school and to drop bad habits such as laziness, quick temper, smoking and drugs.
7.                           Right Mindfulness (Sammasati) means to be always aware and attentive. We should always be aware of what we think, say and do. We must concentrate on everything we do before we can do it well. For instance, if we concentrate in class, we would not miss anything the teacher says.
8.                           Right Meditation (Sammasamadhi) means to keep the mind steady and calm in order to see clearly the true nature of things. This type of mental practice can make us become more understanding and a happier person. The Noble Eightfold Path can help us prevent problems or deal with any problems we may come across in our daily life. If we follow it, we are on the way to less suffering and more happiness. The following is the example of the path leading to the cessation suffering.
Reading comprehension on Comparison of Raft
            A man who was escaping from a group of bandits came to a vast stretch of water that was in his way. He knew that this side of the shore was dangerous and the other side was safe. However, there was no boat going to the other shore, nor was there any bridge for crossing over. So he quickly gathered wood, branches and leaves to make a raft, with the help of the raft, he crossed over safely to the other side.
            “The Noble Eightfold Path taught by the Buddha is like the raft. It would take us from the suffering of this shore to the other shore of no suffering.”

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