Some 800 new RCAF recruits were welcomed into the ranks of the armed forces by military of the armed forces by military and government officials at a reception ceremony at Phnom Penh’s Olympic Stadium yesterday, before being sent for three months of military training in the provinces. In June, the Defense Ministry started a recruitment drive, calling for 5,000 additional soldiers to replace retirees. While the demand for recruits came shortly after a round of deadly border clashes with Thailand in May, officials at the time denied that the push for troops had anything to do with the fighting at Preah Vihear temple. At yesterday’s ceremony, however, where each recruit received $25, a uniform and a krama, some of the volunteers said they had joined out of a wish to defend the country.
“I joined the army because I want to protect Cambodian territory from the enemy,” said Cheam Sra, a guesthouse owner from Phnom Penh’s Dangkao district, who, at 36, was one of the older recruits. Heak Thea, a 23-year-old student in his first year of university, Shared Mr sra’s sentiments about national defense. “I have given up my student, and I think this is a good job,” said Mr Thea, adding that the wanted to protect Cambodia from its “invading neighbors.”Speaking to the crowd at Olympic Stadium, Lieutenant General Prum Din, RCAF commander for Phnom Penh, said the 800 recruits would be sent for three months of training soldiers. Phnom Penh governor Kep Chuktema said that although the situation at the Thai border was stable, Cambodia still needed a strong army to protect its territory “from the enemy.” While it was unclear how many of the total required 5,000 recruits have signed up, Brigadier General Ouk Knouch, a Battambang had joined the army in July and been sent for training.
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